Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 15

Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 18

Filter – Admin – Hide Re-Order submenu item

This filter can be used to force hide /show the re-order interface, independently from the internal (admin) settings. apto/admin/reorder-interface/hide Examples The following code will always hide the interface if the post type is “post” and the user id is 1 *This code should be used within the theme or a custom plugin.

Filter – Admin – Restrict certain/all taxonomies for a Sort

This filter can be used to restrict the usage/view of a custom taxonomy for a Sort. apto/admin/sort-taxonomies Examples The following code will restrict a taxonomy usage with a name ‘service_category’ for a Sort with ID of 82: To remove all taxonomies interfaces, the flowing code can be used: *This code should be used within the […]

Filter – Add Custom Role / Modify exiting – Minimum capability to use this plugin

This filter can be used to add a Custom Role or to Modify existing role capability. The minimum capability setting is used to show the re-order interface to certain roles. apto_get_roles_capability Examples The following code will add a custom role also modify the Subscriber role capability to something else: *This code should be used within […]

Filter – Applying a different sort for certain sections / queries

This filter can be used to apply a different sort to a given query. apto_get_orderby Examples The following code will change the returned sort for all terms archives and use the Archive sort list, similar to free Post Types Order plugin. *This code should be used within the theme or a custom plugin.

Filter – Re-Order interface capability

This filter can be used to change the required capability to show the re-order interface. This is helpfully when using a multisite environment, it will allow to change that in a single line code. For more help regarding users capabilities can be found at http://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities Filter name: apto_reorder_capability Examples The following code will change the […]

Filter – Apply sort for default next_post_link() and previous_post_link()

A sort will apply to all next / previous side-wide navigation links if the Next / Previous Apply option is turned on. In case this need to apply only when certain conditions are fulfilled . The follogin filter can be used ‘apto/navigation_sort_apply’ The above will makes the code to apply the customized sort on navigation […]

Action – Default Post Type Interface – on Order Update

Name APTO/default-interface/order_update_complete Type Action Arguments (int) $sort_view_id Description This action can be used to trigger specific code on a sort update complete within Custom Post Type default interface. The action trigger on Default Post Type Interface, for ReOrder interface order complete action, see Action – Sort Interface – on Order Update Example

Filter – apto/order_reset

Name: apto/order_reset Type: Filter Arguments: $sort_view_ID This filter is triggered when resetting the current sorting order in the Advanced Post Types Order plugin. It allows developers to perform custom actions or modifications when the sorting order is reset, providing flexibility and extensibility to tailor the plugin’s behavior according to specific requirements. Developers can utilize this filter to […]

Filter – apto/interface_query_args

The filter allow to change arguments for the query which output the objects in a sort list. The filter send through 2 argument: $args $current_sort_view_ID The following code exclude all hidden WooCommerce products which are set to  Visibility Hidden, for a sort id 114: