Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 15

Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 18

Filter – apto/query_filter_valid_data

Name: apto/query_filter_valid_data Type: Filter Arguments: $query The custom sorting is implemented on the front end based on the provided query arguments. When these arguments align, the plugin engine automatically adjusts the query to deliver objects in the specified custom order. However, when the query contains differing arguments, a sorting match may not occur. That is often attributed […]