Use a simple sort along with complex queries

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Advanced Post Types Order Simple Sort is an easy way to maintain order for different queries/sections (e.g. archive, taxonomies) within a single interface. As opposite an Advanced Sort can match a single query but which include a mix of posts, taxonomies, meta data and other parameters. This is a powerful tool which allow to match a sort virtually for any WordPress Queries, however it require specific sort settings to match exactly the front site query parameters. For that reason it can get a bit hard to manage for dynamic section which use a large number of complex queries.

Advanced sorts are not necessarily to be used, order can be created just for a specif taxonomy (e.g. attribute or category) and force the sort to apply for complex queries, which can contain other parameters like more taxonomies.

Let’s take a particular scenario, a WooCommerce instance with a custom filter plugin which output the products based on category and a specific attribute. This would require an advanced sort to be created for every combination (category and attribute), however this will get hard to manage at a point due to high number of sort lists. To make things much easier, we can crate a single simple sort and force the attribute order to apply to all queries which include a category and an attribute taxonomy property.
The attribute is called pa_drinks and is being passed through GET data. For food category a filter link would appear as the following:


Naturally this would require an advanced sort and set the 2 taxonomies, the category and the attribute. However we can force to fallback on the simple sort instead:


add_filter('apto/query_match_sort_id',  'apto_query_match_sort_id', 10, 4); 
    function apto_query_match_sort_id($sort_view_id, $orderBy, $query, $sorts_match_filter)
            //No need to apply for admin
                return $new_orderBy; 
            global $APTO;
            //This is the simple sort id which intend to be used instad
            $reference_sort_id  =   5529;
            //retrieve the query post types arguments
            $query_post_types   =   $APTO->functions->query_get_post_types($query);
            //we need products only
            if(count($query_post_types)  > 1 || !in_array("product", $query_post_types))
                return $sort_view_id;
            //Only when pa_drinks is in the GET
            //Other attributes can be included or removed alltogheter
                return $sort_view_id;
            //populate attribute details    
            $pa_drinks    =   $_GET['pa_drinks'];
            $pa_drinks_term   =   get_term_by('slug', $pa_drinks, 'pa_drinks');
            //this will match only queries with multiple taxonomies
            if(APTO_query_utils::tax_queries_count($query->tax_query->queries) < 2)
                return $sort_view_id;
            //make a filtred list of query taxonomies
            $taxonomies =   APTO_query_utils::get_tax_queries($query->tax_query->queries);    
            $found  =   FALSE;
            //Identify if the query actually include a taxonomy of pa_drinks
            foreach($taxonomies as  $taxonomy)
                    if($taxonomy['taxonomy']    !=  'pa_drinks')
                    if(!in_array($pa_drinks_term->slug, $taxonomy['terms']))
                    $found  =   TRUE;
            if( $found === FALSE )
                return $sort_view_id;;
            //this match.
            $attr = array(
                            '_view_selection'       =>  'taxonomy',
                            '_taxonomy'             =>  'pa_drinks',
                            '_term_id'              =>  $pa_drinks_term->term_id,
                            '_view_language'        =>  $APTO->functions->get_blog_language()  
            //Retrieve the sort_view_id whcih correspond to the pa_drinks term                                    
            $sort_view_id   =   $APTO->functions->get_sort_view_id_by_attributes($reference_sort_id, $attr);
            return $sort_view_id;

Further, adjusting the sort on the simple sort, through the attribute, the order will apply on the front side for any queries which include the attribute.